Work with Dr. Allen

Reveal your organ/gland emotional issues and key solutions to organ/gland degeneration

Your Choice to find your personal emotional organ/gland issues is…

A = Do SELF-EVALUATION SESSION of your organ/gland emotional behaviors. (Free at the bottom of this page)

B = Do INFRARED SCANNING SESSION to decode your Spirit Life-force energy flow patterns that block your Life-force energy to create degeneration and disease.

A is doing a SELF-EVALUATION (SE) SESSION: Having done 1000’s of infrared scans with clients over 30+ years – I now have a clear view of what each of the organ/gland emotional issue looks like in people’s daily lives.

– You can now do a FREE Organ/Gland Self-Evaluation at the bottom of this page, which will (depending on how true to your Self you are) clearly reveal what your organ/gland emotional issues really are! Especially for those who already have certain organ or gland health issues/symptoms.

Your physical organ/gland symptoms tell your specific e-motional (Life-force energy-motion) resistance or ‘drag on’ certain organ/gland perceptions and expressions that are needed for regeneration. This insight reveals the blocked and suppressed emotional feelings preventing you from creating your solutions!

This SE Insight Session (with no scan but with this Self-Evaluation) is primarily for those (who can’t get to me to do their personal infrared scan), who may still want to understand their emotional issues that are likely directly related to their physical organ or gland’s health problem, and what is/has happened to You emotionally in your life that has programmed your behavior?

These insights give You the power to get ahead of them instead of behind them. Those interested in doing this session with Dr. Allen may text him at 208-202-0257 with a phone number… and he will call you back to set up your appointment. ($100/hr.)

B – INFRARED SCAN & DECODING SESSION: This session begins with an Infrared Scan of your 23 Life-force junction point vectors on your face, which connect all of your organ/glands’ Life-force energy to each other through 253 binomial (2/way) circuits. When these circuits are flowing without resistance they perceive and express each organ/gland Spirit Life-force energy function, which regenerates your Spirit Life-force energy!  

When specific emotional feelings encounter resistance from associated and triggered/projected past memory – this drags on your Life-force instantly and unconsciously suppresses your perceptions and expressions of specific Spirit Life-force energy functions. 

When this is done consistently over time, those blocked circuits manifest into specific types of disease, dysfunction, and degeneration. 

Once You SEE and UNDERSTAND how your human system works energetically – from your own personal infrared scan, which decodes your personal Life-force energy map of your organ/gland energy flow patterns – this is what allows your BODY to talk to You about what is going on energetically in your LIFE!

When this happens You can become conscious of unconscious emotional resistances that goes back to childhood traumas – which have become unconscious dysfunctional programming in your present life! 

Once You become conscious of these old patterns, You learn to get ahead of your past programming that is unconsciously projecting and directing your past familiar behaviors into your present life, which are no longer functional to You in your present life.

The cost for doing your Infrared Scan and Decoding Session – is $200 – and usually takes 1.5 to 2 hours to complete.  Those interested in doing this session with Dr. Allen may text him at 208-202-0257 with a phone number… and he will call you back to set up your appointment.


God’s Original Temple was your Organs & Glands and God’s scriptures are revealed by their emotional functions, which reveals their purposes and functions essential for your present Survival and your future Fulfillment.

Each organ/gland system is designed to Perceive and Express specific Feelings, which Regenerates You. But triggered trauma memory associations block organ and gland Perceptions and Expressions, which Degenerates You!

Your Spirit’s Ways follow a path that maintains homeostasis and creates long-term fulfillment by regeneration from clear, quick perceptions and expressions!

OR in other words…

Your dragon’s ways create/maintain homeostasis for short-term survival by counterbalancing drag on one organ/gland, with an equal/opposite drag on another – for the cost of manifesting disease, dysfunction, and degeneration.

This Self-Evaluation of your 23 ORGAN/GLAND PERCEPTIONS & EXPRESSIONS for both what ‘regenerates’ and what ‘degenerates’ from ‘drag on’ specific O/G Life-force behaviors for (convenience) short-term survival… for the cost of creating degeneration in your organ/gland’s Life-force behaviors.


Read each of the Organ/Gland statements below and evaluate how much you identify with each of the Spirit & dragon behavioral statements in your own life – on a scale from 0 to 5:

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

[You must remember that SELF-EVALUATIONS are ALWAYS based on your personal consciousness of your Spirit-Self and your dragon-self – and your willingness to answer the questions about your behavior honestly in order to get accurate results]

1-THYMUS Spirit Life-force energy is designed to provide You with a Feeling of being SAFE!

Thymus Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive feeling unsafe & be able to show or Express enough Aggression to allow you to feel Safe and be able to maintain this Safe feeling, so You feel Safe with your Self almost all of the time!

How much do You identify with this Thymus Spirit’s behavior in your life______?

The drag on thymus Spirit Life-force energy is designed to endure feeling unsafe or over-reacting to feeling unsafe – but continuing to put up with it and learning to live with feeling unsafe.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

2-HEART Spirit Life-force energy is designed to provide You with a Feeling of being LOVED!

Heart Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive disharmony and discern Who is real from who is not real & Express (deny) those who are not real, while lovingly accepting those Who are real.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on heart Spirit Life-force energy is designed to endure the disharmony of others who feel unreal, until you can feel safe/able enough to escape from living in the disharmony of unrealness.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

3-COLON Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Eliminate that which no longer nurtures You.

Colon Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive what You hate that no longer nurtures You & Express what You hate to eliminate it from your life.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on colon Spirit Life-force energy is designed to endure what you hate that no longer nurtures You, until you can feel safe and capable enough to eliminate what you hate from your life.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

4-STOMACH Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Nurture You and make You feel Happy. 

Stomach Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive what You can digest, dissolve and assimilate into happiness & Express this view by seeking to ingest more of what makes you happy.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on stomach Spirit Life-force energy is designed to endure unhappy indigestible circumstances in your life until You can ‘throw them up/out’ to eliminate them from your life.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

5-ANTERIOR-PITUITORY Spirit Life-force energy is designed to give You Control over your life.

Ant-Pituitary Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive what You need, and then coordinate/control (Express) the delivery of those needs to you when You need and want them).

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on ant-pituitary Spirit Life-force energy is designed to resist and control the delivery of what You need and what you want when You need it – so you can avoid what you fear, if those needs were to be delivered to you.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

6-LIVER Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Transmute what you’ve got into what You want.

Liver Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive what You have and transmute it into what you want – by Expressing consistent continuous focus on transmuting/creating what You have into what You really want.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on liver Spirit Life-force energy is designed to endure not getting what You want by convincing yourself such desires are hopeless (since You cannot sufficiently focus on to create what You really want).

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

7-LUNGS Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Breathe deeply for energy to meet challenges.

Lung Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive your life’s challenges & meet those challenges by (Expressing) or meeting those challenges by breathing through them with continuous long slow deep breaths.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on lung Spirit Life-force energy is designed to hold your breath in order to avoid feeling overwhelmed by your challenges in life (which makes you feel less able to meet your challenges).

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

8-SEX-ORGANS Spirit Life-force energy design is to Attract and Connect You with other Spirits.

Sex Organ Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive trust-worthy connections & Express (communicate/act on) your desires for real connections by pursuing relationships that continue to feel real and connected.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on sex organ Spirit Life-force energy is designed to deceptively maintain disconnected relationships of living the lie of pretending to be “real” until you feel you can change the situation and/or leave it.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

9-BONES & MUSCLES Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Move You toward what You want.

Bones & Muscle Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive what You want & move (Express) You toward what You want and away from what You don’t want.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on bone & muscle Spirit Life force is designed to endure not moving toward what You want and/or not moving away from what you don’t want.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

10-THYROID Spirit Life-force energy is designed to follow what feels Just; avoid what feels in-just.

Thyroid Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive what is not right or feels unjust for your Spirit & Express those feeling by correcting that injustice by taking action to remove it from your life.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on Thyroid Spirit Life-force energy is designed to not Perceive and continue to endure what is not right (feels unjust) for You – until You can feel able to take the action needed to correct or change this injustice in your life.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

11-VIENS & ARTERIES Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Circulate You into the Games of Life

Veins & Arteries Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive what feels restricting to your ability to circulate in the games of life & then Express by learning to circulate and participate in the games of your life.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on veins & arteries Spirit Life-force energy is designed to endure restricted circulating and participating in the games of your life until you can free yourself from feeling being restricted.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

12-BRAIN & NERVOUS SYSTEM Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Flow with free expression.

Brain & Nervous System Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive what complicates your life & Express your true Self in whatever way is needed to simplify those complications in your life.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on brain & nervous system Spirit Life-force energy is designed to endure what complicates your life until you can do whatever is needed to be done by You in order to simplify your life.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

13-ADRENAL Spirit Life-force energy is designed to give You Courage to stand up under pressure.

Adrenals Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive the external pressures in your life & then Express the courage/capabilities needed in order to stand up and defend your truth under fire or against the opposition.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on adrenal Spirit Life-force energy is designed to endure the shame of feeling unable and incapable of meeting the opposing pressures in your life with the courage of an equal and opposite force.

 How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

14-MIND Spirit Life-force energy is designed for if-then-therefore reasoning to Process your Life.

Mind Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive/wonder about the unknowns in your life & then Express rational fact-based analysis that reveals regenerative productive solutions to your problems.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on Mind Spirit Life-force energy is designed to distract you from finding and focusing on real reality based solutions – by worrying over ‘what if’s” that prevent You from ever focusing on and finding real productive solutions.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

15-HYPOTHALAMUS Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Observe what is Real and unreal.

Hypothalamus Spirit Life-force energy is designed to clearly Perceive what your senses are telling You & then Express that by focusing on what You sense so You may see/clarify what’s really happening in your life/world.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on hypothalamus Spirit Life-force energy is designed to distort your sensory input in order to align with what others see, and not see/experience what is really happening in your life and your world.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

16-KIDNEYS Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Filter what doesn’t work for You emotionally.

Kidney Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive what doesn’t work for You emotionally in your life & then Express whatever filtration is needed to remove what doesn’t work from your life.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on kidney Spirit Life-force energy is designed to not Perceive and endure what does not work for You emotionally in your life, until You can Express and do what is necessary to filter it out of your life.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

17/18–ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Spirit Life-force energy maintains Homeostasis during trauma.

Endocrine Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive when your life/body are not in homeostasis or energetic balance & then Express what is needed to correct it and get back in balance.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on endocrine Spirit Life-force energy is designed to allow you to maintain counterbalanced homeostasis for survival while constantly living in the trauma of unbalanced circumstances in your life day after day.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

19-SKIN Spirit Life-force energy is designed to define and defend your Borders & Boundaries.

Skin Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive (identify) your true Self & then Express the borders/boundaries needed to maintain your true self – from changes into the ‘not you’ others prefer.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on skin Spirit Life-force energy is designed to create the ‘not you’ as a cover that serves to disguise the ‘real You’ from being known – by presenting the ‘not you’ as being who you ‘really’ are.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

20-PANCREAS Spirit Life-force energy is for Expressing your truth clearly and effectively.

Pancreas Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive your true feelings & then Express them in order for You to stay aligned with your true Self – so You are most able to manifest your divine intent.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on pancreas Spirit Life-force energy is designed to suppress your true feelings to dislocate from your true Self in order to distract yourself and others from Who you are, and your divine intent.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

21-POSTERIOR-PITUITARY Spirit Life-force energy is to process ‘Loss’ to avoid being stuck.

Posterior-Pituitary Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive losses in your life & Express feelings of grief over those losses to cleanse your soul and body from being stuck in feelings of loss.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on posterior-pituitary Spirit Life-force energy is designed to disconnect from the grief of loss in order to pretend that everything in your life is just fine and you are not affected by your losses.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

22-PARA-THYROID Spirit Life-force energy is for perceiving/expressing Anger from feeling forced.

Parathyroid Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive feelings of being forced to do things that violate your Spirit and then Express your feelings of anger from that violation and refusal to feel forced!

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on parathyroid Spirit Life-force energy is designed to suppress your anger from feeling forced – to become indecisive about expressing your true feelings about what you are feeling forced to do.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

23-SPLEEN Spirit Life-force is designed to perceive and Reject Antagonism from others.

Spleen Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive what antagonizes You & then Express rejection of what makes You feel antagonized – in order to remove such antagonism from your life.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on the spleen Spirit Life-force energy is designed to ignore/endure what antagonizes You and become a pleaser to your antagonists – hoping pleasing will change their behavior (it makes it worse).

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life

24-LYMPH Spirit Life-force energy is designed to perceive/avoid Over-Accepting unacceptable.

24 – Lymph Spirit Life-force energy is designed to Perceive what is unacceptable in your life & then Express what is unacceptable in order to remove those unacceptable things from your life.

How much do You identify with this Spirit Life-force behavior in your life______?

The drag on the lymph Spirit Life-force energy is designed to over-accept what is unacceptable to You and continue accepting what is unacceptable with a ‘happy face’ as if everything was just fine with You.

How much do You identify with this dragon’s behavior in your life______?

0 = Not at all – 1= Sometimes – 2= Monthly – 3= Weekly – 4= Daily – 5= A way of life


YOUR SUMMARY OF YOUR O/G Spirit/dragon Scores

1 – Thymus Spirit Score_____ Thymus dragon score______

2– Heart Spirit Score_____ Heart dragon score______

3– Colon Spirit Score_____ Colon dragon score______

4– Stomach Spirit Score_____ Stomach dragon score______

5– Anterior-Pituitary Spirit Score_____ Anterior-Pituitary dragon score______

6– Liver Spirit Score_____ Liver dragon score______

7– Lungs Spirit Score_____ Lungs dragon score______

8– Sex-Organ Spirit Score_____ Sex-Organ dragon score______

9– Bone & Muscle Spirit Score_____ Bone & Muscle dragon score______

10– Thyroid Spirit Score_____ Thyroid dragon score______

11– Veins & Arteries Spirit Score_____ Veins & Arteries dragon score______

12– Brain & Nervous System Spirit Score_____ Brain & N.S. dragon score______

13– Adrenal Spirit Score_____ Adrenal dragon score______

14– Mind Spirit Score_____ Mind dragon score______

15– Hypothalamus Spirit Score_____ Hypothalamus dragon score______

16– Kidney Spirit Score_____ Kidney dragon score______

17/18– Endocrine System Spirit Score_____ Endocrine System dragon score______

19– Skin Spirit Score_____ Skin dragon score______

20– Pancreas Spirit Score_____ Pancreas dragon score______

21– Posterior-Pituitary Spirit Score_____ Post-Pituitary dragon score______

22– Para-Thyroid Spirit Score_____ Para-Thyroid dragon score______

23– Spleen Spirit Score_____ Spleen dragon score______

24– Lymph Spirit Score_____ Lymph dragon score______

Total Organ/Gland Spirit Score______  Total Organ/Gland dragon Score______

It must be remembered that God gave us dragons for our own survival BECAUSE if there were no dragons to save us in those ‘moments of trauma’ when we are thrown out of homeostasis – there would be NO humans alive because nobody would have EVER survived – since we humans can ONLY survive seconds or minutes without being returned to homeostasis!

Which is what the dragon does (creates homeostasis) almost instantly by COUNTERBALANCE (by equal drag on two or more organ/gland systems) – but the long-term effect of maintaining homeostasis by counterbalance is degeneration, dysfunction, disease, and death!  ALL resulting from long-term drag on Spirit Life-force energy flow, which prevents regeneration and long-term fulfillment of one’s divine intent.

So, the BOTTOM LINE is that the only problem with dragon behavior in overusing it as ‘a way of life’ rather than a ‘short-term recovery’ process as God intended!

Confusions is the primary human problem!

Clarity is the primary human solution!

After taking this Self-Evaluation – if You would like to have a personal session with Dr. Allen to help shine light on the pathway to change some of the unhealthy behaviors you have discovered – just text Dr. at 208-202-0257 and tell him you would like an appointment – and he will call you back and set up that appointment by phone, or in person (if that is possible).

Dr. has been using this science with thousands of clients since 1987 so he has had considerable experience dealing with all the organ/gland Spirit Life-force and dragon issues everybody has been dealing with since the human body was originally created.


Dr. Allen’s future plans for this critically insightful science, is to use it as the foundation for an INTEGRATED HEALTH PLAN that provides ‘conscious health care professionals’ with a science that clearly connects the physical, emotional, and mental dots of some critically ignored aspects of your health.

God willing this is all coming together as a ‘Conscious Living Retreat Center’ designed to display the many aspects of ‘Conscious Living’ needed for humanity to create a regenerative sustainable future!

When that happens Dr. Allen will no longer be available to do individual sessions with clients until this whole system is functioning in the best way possible to serve the people’s real health needs for clarifying an integrated understanding of their physical, emotional, and mental programming of their Spirit Life-force energy.



Gods Original Scriptures for How Humans Regenerate and Degenerate

Dr. Allen’s next book will be entitled “THE BODY BIBLE” – and is based on careful observations of God’s organ/gland Temple of energy-motion (emotional) of functioning which defines the behavioral scripts that create regeneration and degeneration of your Spirit Life-force. These insight were revealed by scientifically observing thousands of client’s organ/gland emotional functioning over a period of 30+ years.

These behaviors are designed to provide humans with the emotional organ/gland insights for surviving all of life’s challenges, in addition to fulfilling/manifesting their Spirit’s unique divine intent by consciously living their life.

BUT this can only occur when one fully comprehends the emotional purpose, plan, function, issue and trauma of each organ/gland energy system designed to perceive and express essential issues that allow for long-term regeneration in life.

Consequently this new unpublish book will include the following Self-Evaluation (above) for You to evaluate your life in terms of these organ/gland Spirit Life-force energy perceptions and expressions, which must be integrated into ones spontaneous daily behaviors in order to do what God had in mind for You when He created your human system.

This Self-Evaluation will also allow You to observe how much you use God’s emergency survival Plan for creating homeostasis by using “drag on Spirit Life-force organ/gland energy” to survive traumas (God’s only intended purpose for creating the dragon system was for short-term life-threatening survival).

How much this survival plan becomes your ‘way of life’ (or over-used, which will manifest as disease, disorder, dysfunction, and degeneration), which creates the dying process that leads to death from drag on Life-force – which goes against God’s original plan – which results in degeneration… instead of regeneration!